Physical Therapy

Self Pay Services

Breastfeeding pain relief

Kaylee, a self-proclaimed “little fireball”, began her journey with Breathe. just a few months after our doors first opened. A natural go-getter, she has pursued extensive professional training in women’s health as a CAPP-Pelvic Certified Provider, including pelvic floor and core dysfunction, incontinence, pelvic pain, pre-natal and post-natal care, dry needling, and a variety of manual therapy techniques.

Kaylee’s treatment style makes her clients feel confident and comfortable in their lives – breaking through the obstacle of hopelessness and dropping concerns of body impairments that have gotten in the way of their best lives.

Her Type-A tendencies show up in her personal life as characterized by her love creating and planning everything she can! Whether it’s building an indoor playset or home organizational system, to coming up with itineraries and lists in preparation for every event or trip she’s excited for. She loves being surrounded by friends and family, traveling as often as possible, and snuggling her two little boys.

Kaylee, a self-proclaimed “little fireball”, began her journey with Breathe. just a few months af... Read More

“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all which have the potential to turn a life around,” is a quote that Randi is guided by. Considering herself the calm during your storm and your biggest cheerleader, she chose to pursue a career in physical therapy because she fell in love with the power of movement on both the body and the mind - “motion is lotion” and “movement is medicine”! She loves the personal connections that can be made with clients during, often, a very vulnerable time in their lives. Her aim is to empower women (and men) to advocate for their health in order to live happy and healthy lives and gain confidence to do the things they want to achieve in life without barriers. She has specialties in femaleand male pelvic pain, dry needling including pelvic floor, bowel and bladder dysfunctions, pessary fitting / management, iCareBetter Endometriosis Physical Therapy Specialist. She was so excited to join Breathe. that she dove right in, but not before she got married, went on a honeymoon and moved to Iowa from Arizona all within 2 weeks!

“My dream is that no one feels that they have to go through life’s ups & downs alone. Everyone deserves to live the life they dream of, and throughout the journey, there are times when you need a listening ear or a personal cheerleader, and I love that Breathe can provide that safe and welcoming space for the clients in this community.”

“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an hones... Read More

Jeni finds the body truly amazing in all that it can do. Believing in it’s restorative, resilient and adaptive nature, she finds all the connections and complexities within the body to be truly fascinating.  She loves the ability as a physical therapist to teach clients about their body to help them achieve their unique and personal goals. A self-proclaimed bookworm, she loves to spend a whole weekend reading. “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care,” is a quote that she lives by.

“I take pride in being an advocate for my clients. I enjoy building relationships and providing one-on-one, personalized care that focuses on their needs. I feel fortunate to provide a needed service for our community.”

Jeni finds the body truly amazing in all that it can do. Believing in it’s restorative, resilient... Read More

“Be the reason someone smiles today”, is a philosophy Rachel (she/her) lives by, trying to approach everyday as a new opportunity to create moments of joy. She is said to have inherited a gift of cheesy “dad jokes” and bad puns from her father, and hopes her son, Scott, will grow to appreciate them someday! Her passion for physical therapy lies in her fascination with the human body as a complex and amazing puzzle to solve. She gets excited about taking a holistic view that includes drawing information from a client’s life, as well as their symptoms, to help them put the pieces together so they can move forward and achieve their goals, energetically. She and her husband love to cook together and consider themselves “amateur foodies”. They have a rule that they will try any food twice because sometimes you realize the second time that you actually may like it! There are very few foods she doesn’t like but she is confident she won’t be trying tripe again.

I want women to realize how resilient and strong they are! I am empowered by my clients every day by seeing their perseverance and achievements when they are presented with physical challenges.

“Be the reason someone smiles today”, is a philosophy Rachel (she/her) lives by, trying to approa... Read More

Molly envisions a reality where every time she walks into a room, “High Hopes” by Panic! At the Disco plays in the background to pump her up. She has known since she was in eighth grade that she would be a physical therapist and after graduating from Des Moines University in 2008 she knew she wanted to make Des Moines her forever home. Her interest and focus in women’s health is the product of her personal experience with years of infertility and the traumatic birth of her first daughter. She utilizes myofascial trigger point dry needling to ease pain quickly. She also has training in Medical Therapeutic Yoga, Soma Yoga and uses that to restore strength & flexibility after the muscle restrictions are released. Author of Planned C-Section Guide: How to Prepare and Recover Fearlessly, she wants all women to know that cesarean birth doesn’t have to be scary. She loves playing golf with her husband, and has two beautiful daughters and an irrational fear of penguins.

Molly envisions a reality where every time she walks into a room, “High Hopes” by Panic! At the D... Read More

Stephanie (she/her) considers herself equal parts gritty and kind. As the little sister to two older brothers, she is no stranger to making a bet that boasts either a high reward of being allowed to hang out with them, or high risk of having to eat a jalapeno. All she remembers is running around the house screaming for five minutes. Luckily her experience in nutrition evolved as she studied nutritional science and psychology in undergrad. With the desire to find a profession that allowed her to build longer lasting relationships with her clients and treat with a more holistic approach, she pursued additional schooling as a physical therapist and loves the opportunity to combine her interests to help people live full, active lives. 

“I hope women become empowered to seek out help from places like Breathe. as a standard of care to enable them to live the full, active lives they’re meant to live. When they arrive, I hope they feel validated and leave hopeful!”

Stephanie (she/her) considers herself equal parts gritty and kind. As the little sister to two ol... Read More

Dr. Libby Trausch envisions a world where women have the tools and motivation to live the vibrant, active and energetic life they deserve.  She has birthed 3 babies and experienced an unscheduled c-section, a VBAC with considerable pelvic floor injuries and an easy 3rd birth that almost didn’t make it to the hospital. Through preparing for, and healing, recovering and rehabilitating her body and mind from these births, she has learned a lot and loves to use her experiences to help other women. Some of Dr. Libby’s favorite clients have complicated histories with pain. She is always learning and applying something new, whether it’s about just being a more open-hearted human being or striving to live an active, energetic life until she’s 100. In her free time, find her on a walk with a podcast or a personal growth audiobook, in her living room doing crazy exercises while her family looks on skeptically or out traveling the world in funky glasses and red lipstick.

Dr. Libby Trausch envisions a world where women have the tools and motivation to live the vibrant... Read More

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